Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pittsburgh Recognized By National PDMA as Top Chapter

Just four years after starting the Chapter, Pittsburgh PDMA was recently recognized by the National/International PDMA Organization as a Tier 1 Chapter.  Pittsburgh Joins Chicago, Minnesota, the Carolinas, Cincinnati, and Wisconsin among the top ranked Chapters in the Nation. The total number of Chapters across the US and Canada is 28.

Criteria and scores for the ranking include event and program activity, membership and participation growth, Board and volunteer engagement, and successfully meeting the fiscal responsibilities allocated to each Chapter.

Congratulations to our board, membership, and program participants for your hard work and support. We are proud to have such a dedicated and talented community of product development professionals focused on sharing knowledge and experiences here in the Western Pennsylvania Region.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

2013 Product Innovation Management (#PIM13) Conference

October 26 - 30, 2013 - PDMA Conference
2013 Product Innovation Management (PIM 13) Conference
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, AZ

PDMA's 2013 Product Innovation Management (PIM 13) Conference is a five-day collaborative conference that will enable you to gather insights on the latest research and proven strategies from the best practitioners and though leaders in the industry to help you solve your toughest innovation problems.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Open Innovation Process from Kennametal Published In National Journal

The July issue of Research-Technology Management (RTM) Journal featured an informative and revealing paper, “Technology Landscape Mapping At the Heart of Open Innovation” co-authored by Irene Spitsberg, Sudhir Brahmandam, Michael J. Verti (PDMA Board Member), and George W. Coulston (Past PDMA Board Member) from Kennametal, Inc.

The team shares a new framework, with associated processes and tools developed in the Innovations Ventures Group at Kennametal, to show how technology landscape maps can help organizations build awareness of strategic technologies and identify opportunities at the intersection of emerging technologies and customer needs.

If you are interested in learning more about this paper, please contact Michael Verti, Manager of the Innovations Group at michael.verti@kennametal.com.

If you have an article or paper that you would like to submit for an upcoming newsletter, please submit it to rzegart@koppglass.com