Friday, June 21, 2013

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

New White Paper on the Strategic Side of Marketing - Dr. Ken Saban, Duquesne University

For marketers to capture the attention of CEOs, they must look beyond the tactical four Ps and become more involved in strategic initiatives. 

For example, they must help companies shift from being sales-driven to market-driven. This requires:   

1) having the vision and environment to generate breakthrough ideas; and

2) maintaining the capital, fortitude, and risk tolerance to persevere and give the radical idea a fair chance to succeed; and 

3) finding under-served markets, developing radically new value propositions, and creating new delivery mechanisms.

While traditional textbooks focus on the “tactical” side (four P’s) of marketing, they often overlook the “strategic” side of marketing. This leaves students thinking that marketing is all about tactics like running promotional events or sales contests. In reality, Marketing Management in the 21st Century is by far more strategic in nature. This White Paper speaks to both sides of marketing management.

For more information contact Dr. Ken Saban, Duquesne University



June 27 Webcast: Gerry Katz on Voice of the Customer (VOC)

Hijacked Again! Three Trends in the Field of Voice of the Customer - Some Welcome, Some Not

June 27 Webcast
2-3 pm EST

If you weren’t able to attend the April Pittsburgh Chapter Innovation Forum where Gerry Katz presented, be sure to catch this Webcast at the end of the month.

In this highly informative and entertaining webinar, Gerry Katz Executive Vice President of Applied Marketing Science (and product development guru) will lay out three major trends in the field of Voice of Customer (VOC), which he classifies as:
  • The Naysayers
  • The Stretchers
  • The Technovangelists
He’ll then discuss some of the pluses and minuses of these trends and what companies can do to take advantage of the benefits and avoid the pitfalls. Finally, Katz will challenge the conventional wisdom about the role of Social Media in VOC.

Monday, June 10, 2013

June 20 Webcast: Social Networking

Learn Social Networking from IBM - How to Get the Biggest Payback

June 20 Webcast
2 - 3 pm EST

Can social networking help you build better products or be a better product manager? According to IBM executive and author Ed Brill, the answer is yes. In this webcast, Brill will discuss “Opting In,” lessons in merging product management and social networking from IBM’s use and leadership over the last decade. You will learn how, where, when, and why to participate in online communities, what the payback will be, and how to justify the effort internally.

Friday, June 7, 2013

A Message from the PDMA Pittsburgh Chapter President

I really have enjoyed serving as your chapter president this year. My term will end soon, board members will be transitioning to new roles, and new product development professionals will be joining us.

The Pittsburgh Chapter Board of Directors is extremely dedicated and has worked extremely hard to improve the chapter. Looking back over the four-year history, we have really established an amazing presence and are recognized as a top tier chapter within PDMA. We’ve had programming content that brought in nationally recognized speakers, appeared on "Our Region's Business" TV program, and cosponsored an event with Innovation Works. With 30-50 people typically attending chapter meetings and events, we are doing well and making a positive impact.

I'm very excited about our future and how PDMA can help accelerate innovation and product development in the Pittsburgh region.

Jeff Thompson
President, PDMA Pittsburgh
Director Innovation Programs, McKesson Automation

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Leading Pittsburgh Manufacturers to Discuss New Product Development at RAPID 2013 Conference

For the first time at the RAPID Conference & Exposition, there will be a track devoted to new product design and development.  

 On Wednesday June 12th, Mark Adkins, President of Smart Hammer Innovation and PDMA Pittsburgh Board Member, will be hosting an Additive Manufacturing (AM) panel discussion with leading Pittsburgh manufacturers. Panelists from Sole Power, MSA, Bayer Material Science, Kennametal, and MEDRAD will share benefits and challenges of bringing additive manufacturing into the new product development area.  This valuable panel discussion, titled "Product Design Considerations Using Additive Manufacturing," session will be held from 10 am - 12 pm.  

This year’s RAPID Conference will take place at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center June 10 – 13. Don’t miss your opportunity to attend the industry-leading forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest developments, trends and techniques specific to additive manufacturing, rapid technologies, 3D printing and 3D imaging. While at the show, you’ll learn the latest innovative applications of additive manufacturing in several diverse industries, have interactive discussions with technology experts from around the world, and networks with peers and industry leaders. 

Follow PDMA Pittsburgh next week as we discuss conference news and insights:
